Postnatal Yoga.
the fourth trimester
What is Postnatal Yoga?
Postnatal yoga with Carla is a space for you, your baby and others on the same journey to connect, explore and build on this new adventure together. Postnatal yoga is specific in strengthening and repairing the women’s body from the affects of pregnancy and childbirth, assisting with everything from stress to incontinence, feeling overwhelmed to diastasis rectus, and of course includes baby yoga.
Postnatal yoga offers mindful movement, postures for strengthening and repairing, pelvic floor exercises for things like incontinence, postnatal breathwork and relaxation to build on the bond with you and your new baby.
After childbirth, some of the things women experience range between incontinence, diastasis recti, prolapsed bladder, painful sex, lower back pain, poor mental health, postnatal anxiety, postnatal depression.
Many women also report feeling unsupported and a disconnect from themselves as they get to know this new version of themselves.
What Postnatal Yoga can offer you...
This fourth trimester is time for you to ease into this new version of yourself. Allow yourself to meet others on the same path. Give your body time to heal, and to heal with the appropriate care and attention.
Strengthens the muscles affected by pregnancy + birth
Helps manage postnatal anxiety
+ stress
Pain management from carrying + feeding your baby
Helps with incontinence
The Benefits of Baby Yoga.
Baby yoga is part of this offering and focuses on your bond with your baby, co-regulation, co-ordination. It’s a lovely time for you and your baby to do possibly your first out of home activity together and meet other mums and babies who you’ll get to know so well, helping support this journey and experience.
Supports co-regulation and bonding between you and your baby
Promotes physical development of your baby
Supports baby
co-ordination skills
Can promote positive sleep for your baby
Book postnatal yoga.